In Phase 2 (Balancing), you'll start to climb the Carb Ladder, slowly adding different foods - think nuts, seeds, strawberries, blueberries, melon, cottage cheese, yogurt and more - until you find a healthy balanced diet that's right for you. Phase 2 is all about maintaining your momentum from Phase 1/Induction and continuing the process of finding your personal carb balance.
Here's how to succeed on Phase 2 as you proceed up the Carb Ladder.
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Here's how to succeed on Phase 2 as you proceed up the Carb Ladder.
- Continue to consume a minimum of 12–15 daily
grams of Net Carbs as foundation vegetables. Also continue to avoid foods
with added sugar, have eight glasses of water or other acceptable fluids
each day, and go no longer than three or four hours between meals or
snacks, spreading out your carb intake across the day.
- Reintroduce food groups one by one, following the
Carb Ladder. Depending on your metabolism and weight-loss goal, this may
be at weekly intervals, every couple of weeks, or even longer.
- Add back carb foods within each rung of the
ladder one by one as well. For example, reintroduce walnuts but gauge
their impact, if any, before reintroducing almonds.
- Increase your overall daily Net Carb intake in
5-gram increments at weekly, biweekly, or even monthly intervals,
whichever works best for you.
- Continue to weigh and measure yourself weekly.
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